Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bottle Hill Day 2009 - Madison NJ

When we decided to open our Chocolate Shoppe, the goal was to open the doors a couple of days before the Madison, NJ town festival called Bottle Hill Day. With rain expected for the day, we did not know how the day would turn out. We setup a booth out in front of the shoppe and decided to give out mini chocolate covered pretzels. With all the people stopping by to visit us (the rain held off), we gave out over 400 small pretzels in just under 2 hours. We also had so many visitors that many of our friends could not make it into the shoppe that day as there was a continuous line out the door. When the day was over, we were very happy and tired having completed over 380 register transactions that day. It was a wonderful event for us to announce to Madison, NJ that there was now a chocolate shoppe in the area.